Self-Custodial & Trustless

Being self-custodial and trustless is critical to the ethos of the Rogue Protocol. Players must be able to bet on our games with absolute confidence that it's impossible for the house to steal their money or hold back their winnings or influence the outcomes of the game results.

The Rogue Protocol is regulated by the immutable and unbending laws of smart contract code and mathematics. The source code of our game and bankroll smart contracts is publicly viewable on the Rogue Chain block explorer and by mainnet those contracts will be fully audited by a trusted third party.

Every bet placed is an irreversible on-chain transaction sent to a trustless smart contract that will always do exactly what its supposed to do and which cannot be influenced by anyone.

You can view every bet placed by everyone in real-time on the Rogue Chain block explorer and you can verify that every winning bet is paid out instantly. You can also verify that the fees on USDT and ARB winnings are also paid out instantly to the liquidity providers, validators, delegators, affiliates and game developers in real-time.

You can also verify in real-time that the game results that settle all bets are provably-fair and impossible for anyone to influence. These game results are fed directly from their source to the game smart contracts which use them to instantly settle bets and pay out the winners.

Whilst betting you retain full custody of your betting balance in your own Web3 wallet. When you place a bet you send your stake directly to the game smart contract which passes it onto the house bankroll which pays out your winning bet instantly if you win. It's impossible for us or anyone else to interfere with that process, meaning we can never hold back your winnings for any reason.

We also can't ban winners or refuse to take anyone's bets for any reason because every bet is an on-chain transaction on a public blockchain. Even if we banned you from using the website UI you could send bet transactions directly to the game smart contract on the Rogue Chain block explorer or programatically using open source software like ethers.js and the Rogue Chain public RPC endpoint.

Last updated