Token Bridge

Our easy to use token bridge allows you to bridge tokens back and forth between Rogue Chain and the Arbitrum One chain, quickly and completely free of charge.

This is necessary because all betting on Rogue Trader is done with ROGUE, USDT and ARB tokens on the Rogue Chain. Therefore, you must bridge ROGUE, USDT or ARB tokens from Arbitrum One to Rogue Chain in order to place bets. You can transfer them back to Arbitrum One from Rogue Chain just as quickly and easily.

From the token bridge page of our online betting platform, simply enter the amount of tokens you wish to transfer and select the direction of the transfer. Your tokens will be available on the destination chain within a minute.

Under the hood, when bridging tokens from Arbitrum One they are locked into a trustless smart contract on that chain and then an equal amount of tokens are minted on the Rogue Chain by another trustless smart contract and deposited into your wallet. To send your tokens back again they are burned on Rogue Chain which releases the original tokens from the smart contract on Arbitrum One.

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