Stake LP-ROGUE Pool Tokens To Earn Rewards

Staking rewards on Rogue are designed to incentivize liquidity providers to deposit ROGUE tokens into the ROGUE house bankroll. Such incentives are needed because there are zero fees on winnings when betting with ROGUE tokens, meaning there's no house edge working in the liquidity providers' favor.

Therefore, our staking program will pay out 0.04% of every winning USDT & ARB bet to people who stake LP-ROGUE tokens into our trustless staking smart contract. LP-ROGUE is the pool token of the ROGUE house bankroll, meaning that in order to earn staking rewards you must first deposit your ROGUE tokens into the ROGUE house bankroll to get back the pool tokens that you will then stake into the staking smart contract.

This encourages ROGUE holders to deposit their tokens into the ROGUE house bankroll, thereby increasing ROGUE's utility as a zero-fee betting token. In effect, the USDT and ARB betting is being used to subsidize zero-fee betting with ROGUE tokens, thus creating the fairest game of chance in the world.

Last updated